Packaging Gateway Excellence Awards 2020: BOTTA Packaging winner

BOTTA Packaging has always been an attentive and committed company on the issues of inclusion, bridging gender and generational gaps, and the transformation of diversity into competitive leverage. In order to achieve an ongoing company growth, it is fundamental to create an inclusive working environment in which every employee feels valued, involved, and encouraged to express their potential. 

BOTTA Packaging has established behaviours, partnerships, and virtuous projects in order to promote diversity in the workplace. First of all, the project of Frugal Innovation was launched to ensure that the working environment was inclusive in terms of information accessibility, opportunities, and growth. Furthermore, BOTTA Packaging is involved in the program Invest Your Talent in Italy (YTI); a program promoted by “Ministero Degli Affari Esteri & Della Cooperazione Internazionale” in order to host talents from every part of the world. In a vision of open innovation, BOTTA collaborates also with prestigious Italian universities and laboratories and European universities through the Erasmus+ program. 

Due to virtuous behavior implemented to actively promote diversity in the workplace, BOTTA Packaging has won the prestigious Packaging Gateway Excellence Awards 2020, which celebrates the successes and innovations cases in the packaging industry.




































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