What Eco-sustainable business ideas does your company need?
Are you looking for an eco-sustainable idea for your business? Especially the packaging business is facing drastic changes regarding the waste since the European Commission gave a regulation about discarding waste. But the EU also gives a lot of innovative ideas and suggestions on how to implement these eco-sustainable business ideas in your business regarding waste management. Here are their criteria for the eco-sustainable business ideas that are very important to understand the characteristics of the right idea:
- Innovative
- Makes environmental improvement
- With business approach and a good market uptake
- Has good leverage factor through replication
- Is worth running at EU level
- Includes material recycling
It is a very important criterion for eco-sustainable business ideas, where the products must be made out of recycled material and most importantly, that is able to recycle after the usage. The recycling industry, born in the last decades shows the economic potential of green businesses and since the amount of waste is still a big problem, the potential for recycling ideas is big:
“Each year, in the European Union alone, we throw away three billion tonnes of waste – some 90 million tonnes of it hazardous. This amounts to about six tonnes of solid waste for every man, woman, and child, according to Eurostat statistics. By 2020, the OECD estimates, we could be generating 45 % more waste than we did in 1995.” (Eco-Innovation, European Commission, 2013)
The EU Directive set its goals for dealing with waste disposal, reuse, recycling, energy recovery but “but making recycling second nature across Europe is going to take more effort.” (Eco-Innovation, European Commission, 2013)
“…around 40% of municipal waste is still sent to landfill. Only 23% is recycled, a further 20% incinerated and 17% composted.”(Eco-Innovation, European Commission, 2013)
Although, European Commissioner Janez Potocnik said that “Waste management in the EU has improved dramatically” we must fight against new waste, generated every year. Eco-sustainable business ideas are a great way to increase the amount of recycled, decomposed and reused waste and improve waste management in Europe.
Eco-Sustainable Cardboard
Following the regulations and suggestions of the European Commission, the packaging products like cardboard or corrugated cardboard are a perfect choice. Why? It is first of all made out of paper that is 100% recyclable and is also biodegradable. BOTTA Packaging is at your disposal to help you finding eco-sustainable business ideas for packaging, that correspond to EU standards and can grow into a great sustainable business.
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